DataManager RT

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DataManager RT

DataManager RT is a web-based data authoring tool that enables you to easily self-publish parts data in real time.

It allows you to establish relationships between machines of various types by grouping models together in a graphic hierarchy to allow an end user of ARI’s electronic parts catalogs (PartSmart, PartSmartWeb or PartStream) to instinctively find items they are looking for.

Supplemental information, service bulletins or part images that might aid the end user in performing service or repairs can be linked using Data Manager RT. This guide will instruct you on how best to construct and maintain catalogs in Data Manager RT.

If you used Data Manager when it was a locally installed application, ARI will migrate your existing data and images to the servers where you can access it through Data Manager RT’s browser-based user interface.

If you’ve never used Data Manager before, a clean starting database will be created by ARI.

During set up, ARI will establish a URL for your company to allow users to log in. Your URL will also be kept on file by ARI support in case of need.

Set up will include configuration to update PartSmart Web and/or PartStream databases for both production and staging environments with the push of a button.


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