ARI released version 1.2.1 of Data Manager RT during the maintenance window on June 7, 2018 and was geared primarily to PDF publishing, Serial data, and User roles to allow for restricted access.
Bug Fixes
- When creating or editing a hierarchy item, entering a space only in a required field hangs the model.
- Model revisions moved to Reports tab.
- Translation Imports Fail from literal error strings.
- Part Items are having custom data properties created with null, 0 and empty as values.
- Distribution service health check is not picking up distribution failure.
- DM Publish fails due to concurrent backup process.
- Hierarchy Import is having an issue resolving model link relationships.
- Pre-published Model Move to a new division results model being orphaned in PSW.
- The key when assembling the Hierarchy Import CSV is allowing internal spaces.
- PSCD needs to handle duplicate Image files across multiple zip files.
- Search results on hierarchy search should list all entries for IPLs that are attached to multiple models.
- Unique Tags w spaces are not displayed properly on the details page.
- PDF publish needs to perform at a much higher level than it currently does.
- The PDF Publish process should be able to resume incomplete tasks.
- The IPL grab from Published model PDFs needs improvement.
- The publish page UI needs to be updated so that it has a more useful status display.
New Features
- Access to publishing tab – Publishing tab restriction.
- Decide which translations do we show for custom attributes when conflicting.
- Add Hierarchy search ability to find null or blank custom_attributes.
- PDF publish modify logic to On Demand.
- Create an API to prime the PDF publish json data upon deployment of DMRT 1.2.1
Cap Tasks
- As a user with no access to Catalog Settings, I will not see the link under the gear icon.
- Access to application settings restriction.
- As an Admin, I can create a user group.
- As an Admin I can edit a user group.
- As an Admin user, I want the capability to delete a user group.
- As a user, I want the ability to copy a model and paste as new in order to provide a new set of serial numbers to a new models IPL.
- As ARI, users logging into a DMRT catalog through superadmin will have admin permissions.
- As a DMRT user, I want the ability to enter numbers for serials as ranges (numeric only).
- Data Publisher: As a DMRT user, I want a table of contents to be auto-created when a model is published into a PDF book.
- Data Publisher: As a DMRT user, I want a default structure to show an IPL, its diagram and parts list, in a published PDF book.
- Data Publisher: Display naming convention for PDFs, created by the publisher tool.
- As a user, I can click Preview PDF to see a preview of what a production PDF would look like before publishing to Production.
- Data Publisher: As ARI, I want Data Publisher to begin creating PDF books, building them from single models. (Initially)
- Data Publisher: As ARI, I want the capability to send out IPL pages of single diagram and or parts list from PDF books to applications for printing.
- Create a tab in the Catalog Settings area, where Serial and or VIN could be enabled and configured.
- As a DMRT user, I want the capability to execute the creation of a PDF book for any model at any time.
- Model grouping support for serial and VIN models Step 1.
- Create group permissions that would allow for restricting Import page and sub-pages.
- PDF generation foundation work.
- A history PDF access internal API needs to be established for serving up historical model PDFs.
- As a User Admin (or ARI Admin), I Can Set DMRT Permissions by Group.
- (Role MGMT) Implement variable user levels & permissions to support controlling user access to authoring, pushing updates, etc.