This document is intended to provide the information that is necessary to perform a successful integration with ARI’s XML format to facilitate data into Data Manager Real Time (DMRT). The intended audience is technically involved individuals or groups.
Attachment – A Data Manager RT term that is usually a divider between a model to model relationship.
Chapter – A Data Manager RT term that is similar to the behavior of a division, but additionally allows for IPLs to be placed onto it.
Division – A Data Manager RT term that usually represents a grouping of models.
DMRT (Data Manager Real Time) – The product/endpoint responsible for housing the XML data.
FTP – File Transfer Protocol.
Hotspot – A Data Manager RT term that represents the X1, Y1, X2, Y2 coordinates of a part on an image.
IPL (Illustrated Part(s) List) – A Data Manager RT term that usually represents a collection of parts. Often referred to as an assembly or sub-assembly.
JSON – JavaScript Object Notation.
Key – The component that makes a hierarchy item unique. If two models share the same exact name, the key will help distinguish which model is being referred to.
Model – A Data Manager RT term that usually represents a real-world object/model with parts.
PSW – PartSmart Web.
Visibility Group – A DMRT label attached to the item to allow consuming application to restrict content display to specific audiences.
XML (Extensible Markup Language) – A text-based structured format used to share data.
- Section One: API Calls
- Process(POST)
- Progress(GET)
- Report(GET)
- Publishing: Publish(POST)
- Publishing: Retry(POST)
- Publishing: Status(GET)
- Section Two: Understanding each component of the XML
- Section Three: Requirements
- Appendix A: API Key generation
- Example data to be converted to XML
- Supersession Samples
- Sample insert/update XML
- Sample delete XML
- Sample Import Progress JSON return object (/api/Progress)
- Sample Report JSON object (/api/Report)
- Valid ISO Codes (Translations)
- Change Log