The following are API calls specified for DMRT data management. An apiKey is required for each request. Each apiKey is unique and OEM-specific. During processing, it will be used to validate each request and look up the specified OEM. Any of the keys generated on the DMRT API Admin page can be used for the following requests. For more information on generating your secret API Key, please refer to Appendix A, API Key generation.
The high-level work flow would be:
- Package data and apiKey from the desired systems into properly formed XML file (detailed below).
- Pass the file to ARI via api/Process POST call.
- Optionally: pass in Progress call to see status.
- Optionally: pass in Report call to retrieve a summary.
- Publish to staging/production catalog databases (or log in to DMRT and initiate publish using the user interface).
Use these links to access details on constructing the various requests:
Process (POST)
Progress (GET)
Report (GET)
Publish (POST)
Retry (POST)
Status (GET)