DataManager RT

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  5. 1.34 Release

1.34 Release


ARI released version 1.34 of Data Manager RT during the maintenance window on August 22, 2024.


  • Provided protection when creating a new import wizard profile to prevent overwriting existing profile names.  If modification to an existing profile is desired, use the “Configure Existing Profile” option.
  • Expanded actions that revert a model’s workflow to draft.  The following list is below:
  1. Add Chapter
  2. Edit Chapter
  3. Add image to Chapter
  4. remove image from Chapter
  5. Remove Chapter
  6. Edit model
  7. Add image to model
  8. Delete image from model
  9. add literature
  10. Edit literature
  11. remove literature
  12. Add URL
  13. Edit URL
  14. remove URL
  15. Add IPL
  16. Add image to IPL
  17. remove IPL image
  18. Edit IPL detail
  19. Edit IPL Part list
  20. Delete IPL
  21. add  Attachment
  22. Edit  Attachment
  23. Delete  Attachment
  24. Change image for model
  25. Adding model
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